The Church, the body of Christ

What is it that you can get with a lifetime warranty, never goes out of style, if it breaksdown somehow will repair and renew itself to be more relevant and useful? And yes, when you depart from this world, you CAN take it with you !

Answer: The church, the body of Christ.

Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 ” …on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Last week, on Thursday and Friday nights, more than 70 pieces of rock in our church community went online for Zoom Bible Class to prove this to be true.

We could not continue with regular Sunday School for 4 months. Actually we don’t need Sunday School. What we really need is to keep learning the Word of God together. And we did just that.

This is what the Church of Jesus Christ looks like … the threats of a viral pandemic shall not prevail against it.

Chan Mun

