Pray Now …
We will soon be celebrating the 1st anniversary of the Circuit-Breaker. During the whole of last year, while you were mostly at home, what do you look forward to each day?
Many of us look forward to going back to work, to church. We want our lives to return back to normal. We are comfortable with our routine way of life before the Covid-19 pandemic.
The world looks forward to a vaccine. It is the hope that the vaccine will help us return to our familiar world.
But it seemed to be a bit of a disappointment. Vaccines come with many limitations. Re-infection is still a possibility. No vaccine is 100% effective for everyone. Some recipients reacted against it. Some even have died after receiving it.
So the vaccine is not the solution that we thought it would be. Now there are even mutations of the virus that the vaccines might not be effective against. The pharmaceutical industry is talking about developing a super-vaccine. So this hope is a moving target. It looks more like a carrot tied to a stick in a horse carriage. The horse never gets the carrot no matter how fast it trods.
The world does not now but we know that there is one Hope which is a fixed target. It will not move away from us. We are constantly moving closer to it. And this hope is Jesus Christ.
A vaccine may save us for a while but the salvation of Jesus is eternal. And this hope is sustained by prayer.
So dear brother and sisters in the Lord, let us commit ourselves to prayer to God to keep this hope alive. And God will keep us alive.
Pray Now … We don’t have to wait for the vaccine or the end of the pandemic. We hope and pray in Jesus’ name and by His promise.
Pray Now … and Pray Lah!
Every Sunday morning at 9 am, there is an online prayer fellowship through zoom both in English and Chinese. We have a small and faithful community who participates in this sacred time. Will you join us? And share in active hope and active prayer?
Here are the zoom links: