Effective delegation: Leading Tens, Leading Hundreds

Dear Brothers and Sisters of NLC, Shalom!

In Exodus 18:17-18:
Moses’ father-in-law said to him, “What you are doing is not good. You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone. ”
In verses 21-22:
“Moreover, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens. And let them judge the people at all times. Every great matter they shall bring to you, but any small matter they shall decide themselves. So it will be easier for you, and they will bear the burden with you.”

This passage is about Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, who advised Moses on leadership. Moses was the only judge in the nation, and spent all his time and energy hearing each and every dispute. Jethro advised Moses to focus on the really important tasks and choose capable men to help with the less important tasks.
Brothers and sisters, overwhelmed people tend to feel that there is no option but to take on the responsibility and do all the work themselves. Sometimes we fall into this trap too. We worry about others’ capabilities, so we become solo-fighters, bearing all the loads until we burn out. Moses followed Jethro’s suggestions and selected capable leaders to reduce his burden. Delegation not only increase productivity but also allow others to step up and grow.
During the pandemic, our Church has also adopted Moses’ method of administration–“Chief of Hundreds” & “Chief of Tens”. This turns out to be useful and effectual. Church’s two-way communication structures: Small Group Mentors (Chief of Hundreds) -> SG leaders (Chief of Tens) -> SG members. Thank God for guiding us to this right path.

Thanksgiving 1 – Pre-packaged Holy Communion

ElementsAt the early stage of the lock down due to Covid-19 when movements became restricted, we had to prepare pre-packaged sacraments for our congregation. From Mentors to Leaders to Members, we asked brothers and sisters to come to church and collect the Holy Communion Elements. We also arranged home deliveries for those with limited mobility. Give thanks for the prompt work of our “Chief of Tens” which allowed us to partake the Holy Communion at home to remember our Lord in April.
Thanksgiving 2 – Annual General Meeting
The second thing that I am thankful is how we managed to hold our AGM by electronic means this year. How could our members attend AGM and vote virtually? Based on government rules and regulations, our members had to appoint the Chairman of the Meeting as their proxy to attend and vote on their behalf. So, we counted on our “Chief of Tens”. Upon the completion of Eligible Members’ list, our SG Mentors and Leaders coordinated the distribution and collection of member’ Proxy Forms via various modes, such as email, mobile phone, mail. Thank God for the effective work of “Chief of Ten”, we had a high 86% return rate for the proxy forms, allowing us to hold our e-AGM on 27 Sep 2020 as per schedule.

Thanksgiving 3 – Spiritual Provision
After the control measures began, we changed our worship services online. Through collaboration on recording, transmission, editing and broadcasting, we have made our online Sunday Service @ Home possible. Our SG Leaders have also gathered their group members for online fellowship, continue to connect and support one another. Later on, when social gatherings of up to 5 people were allowed, Small Group Ministry encouraged Mentors to arrange smaller groups of 4 or 5 people for more in-depth pastoral care. We look forward to seeing our SGs continue to thrive and multiply. Thank God for his guidance.

Last but not least, we have not forgotten to provide spiritual teaching to our brothers and sisters. The attendance for both English and Chinese Sunday Morning Prayers are higher online compared to regular meetings in Church. The attendance for both English and Chinese weekday Bible Classes are also higher. Thanks to our Mentors and Leaders who have always encouraged their members to take part. Praise the Lord for the function of “Chief of Tens”.

For the above, we thank the Lord for directing us to do new things and reorganising our steps and schedules. Let us embrace God’s new vision for NLC, move forward into a new era, spread the Lord’s gospel, strive to do His work, and glorify His Holy name, Amen!
Elder Boon Teck
