A Meal for Jesus
In Tim Chester’s book, A Meal with Jesus, he writes,
“When you combine a passion for Jesus with shared meals, you create potent gospel opportunities.”
I have experienced these words of Chester during a meal with two of my friends recently. A #throwback to two months ago, I met up with them at Compass One food court for tea break. I have known these two friends for 30 years.
That day we ordered fried carrot cake and hot drinks. We ate and talked, updating each other about what is going on in our lives lately. With God’s leading, the conversation moved toward the direction of faith. I was prompted by God to ask them, “Would both of you want to know more about God? I can study the bible with you and you can ask me whatever questions you have in mind.”
To my surprise! Both of them said yes to my suggestion. I could sense their desire to know Jesus better. That day I went home rejoicing and giving thanks to God for the gospel opportunity that He has given to me to assist my friends to know Jesus. So I thought what material should I use for them? Should I read the bible with them? Or find a bible study guide from a Christian bookstore? In prayer, God brought to my mind Alpha Course, an 11-week course that people can explore faith, life and God.
So we started our first Alpha lesson at the same food court on the 4th of September 2020. Since then, every Friday, we met up for meals together and Alpha course. This coming Friday, we will be doing our 9th lessons! Praise the Lord for I have witnessed how God changed turned their hearts gradually to Jesus. All glory to God!
I encourage us to go and spend time with one or two friends.
Eat with them regularly. Most importantly, remember to combine your passion for Jesus with the shared meals. And I pray that God will create gospel opportunities for you to reach out to him or her.
Rev Vincent