His Eyes is on the Sparrow

Dear brothers and sisters of NLC, Shalom!

We were reminded from Psalm 100 that we should continue to give thanks and praise to our God during the pandemic because He is our wonderful Creator, the King of kings who deserves all honors, and the great Shepherd who loves us, cares and protects us.

This week, I would like to share with you this beautiful and joyous hymn “His Eye Is on the Sparrow”. The attached link is a duet between me and a good friend who loves music and life, a humble and faithful servant of God. When I was a seminarian, she was my teacher and supervisor of my internship church. We became good co-workers and friends in Christ after I graduated. This friend lost her job due to the pandemic as all chorus trainings and ministries were canceled. She has no income for more than half a year. However, she was neither discouraged nor complained. She is still joyful and continues praising God! During the pandemic, she wrote a song “The Hope in the Storm” in which the lyrics was taken from Jeremiah 29:11-14, and recorded to comfort and encourage the people around her. She presented a worship song through a video clip at the funeral of a music minister to comfort her grieving family and friends. She seized every opportunity to serve the Lord by helping people in need. With faith and joy, she continues to wait upon the Lord’s guidance.

[Matthew 10:29-31] “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. The author of this hymn, Mrs. Civilla D. Martin, went to visit an old couple with her husband, Pastor Martin, in early 1905. The wife was sick in bed for nearly 20 years, and the husband had an incurable disease, but they lived happily. Mrs. Civilla asked them, “How can you have such joy while in pain?” The old lady pointed out the window with a trembling hand, and said, “Child, is a sparrow. When I think of Him taking care of the little sparrow and also taking care of me, I am comforted and inspired.” Mrs Civilla was deeply inspired, so she wrote this hymn.

Dear brothers and sisters, let us lean on and follow the Lord closely every day, thanking and praising Him in good and bad times!

Ps Jocelyne
